Family Support & Wellness
The Family Support & Wellness program provides trauma-informed crisis intervention and programming, stress management skills, and parent education. Our Family Support & Wellness case manager works with the women individually and as a family to give applicable skills for overcoming future adversity. Women and children also have the opportunity to participate in trauma-responsive yoga. Trauma-responsive yoga is an evidence based practice using a modified approach to traditional yoga, emphasizing safety, minimizing triggers, and promoting mind-body awareness. Women can also earn a $500 scholarship toward housing, transportation, or health care when they participate in the Health and Wellness scholarship program.
Children’s Program
Part of House of Hope’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness for the next generation. Our Children’s program focuses on helping children deal with trauma through the power of play, social emotional learning, and coping with big feelings. The case manager provides programming during off school times, as well as during Life Skills education. Programs like Play Zone help moms learn how to play with their kids and the value in developing positive attachment.
Postpartum Programming
Being a single mom is lonely business. Our case management team started Coffee Chats to give new moms a safe place to find support and community. New moms also receive a Welcome Baby basket complete with all the essentials. Finding time to prepare meals in those first few weeks is tough. Volunteers can sign up for our Meal Train to provide meals for moms as they ease into their new routine. Mother’s Helpers are available to give moms time to attend meetings, do laundry, shower, or even nap!
Partners for Hope
Moms are matched with a community member to form a mutually beneficial relationship. Oftentimes, moms have to leave negative relationships behind and making new friends can be challenging. Partners for Hope is designed to facilitate a positive relationship that hopefully grows into a lifelong friendship.
Self Care Class
Self Care Class is a weekly lunch and learn for moms to gain strategies for overcoming self-limiting beliefs so they can achieve the best version of themselves, personally and professionally. Lunch is generously donated by Big Head Burger.